Gwaredu BVD voluntary screening- the final year

15th Oct 2019 By Jess Magness

Neil Paton, Technical Director of Animal Health and Welfare Wales – Gwaredu BVD, talks to the BVA about Gwaredu BVD, next steps and how vets can help their farmers prepare.


To date, 7500 farms have tested once, and 4500 farms have been tested twice by vets under the Gwaredu BVD initiative. This is testament to the hard work and enthusiasm of vets in the field and something that the profession can be rightly proud of.

This initiative has now reached its final year of screening. From the 1 September 2019 until 31 August 2020, farmers in Wales are eligible for one last screen, free of charge, with vet time and fees paid for through Gwaredu BVD.

Read what Neil has to say about the next steps and how vets can support their farmers in the original BVA blog here